Symposium: SHARE-based research on Health, Ageing and Retirement
SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, is a research infrastructure for studying the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life-course of European citizens and beyond. Within this framework, the Belgian SHARE team affiliated with the University of Liège and the University of Antwerp warmly invites you to the SHARE Symposium in Brussels on the 21st of March 2024
9h00 - Welcome coffee
9h15 - Pierre Pestieau (HEC-Liège, UCL, PSE) Introduction on retirement and long term care issues
9h30 - Giulia Klinges (HEC-Liège), Alain Jousten (ULiege) and Mathieu Lefebvre (University of Strasbourg) Social Security and Inequality in Belgium
10h15 - Ester Rizzi (UCLouvain) and Damiano Uccheddu (UCLouvain) Retirement in Europe during the pandemic: a gender perspective
11h00 - Coffee break
11h15 - Anja Declerq (KULeuven) Research on LTC in Belgium: the possibilities with BelRAI data
12h00 - Mathieu Lefebvre (Université de Strasbourg) et Jérôme Schoenmaeckers (HEC-Liège) We are not all equal! Impact of socio-economic status on loss of autonomy in the old age
12h45 - Koen Decancq (UAntwerpen) Conclusions and Discussions